Andrew Tate And The Gender Empathy Gap

Why are young men swallowing the “red-pill”?

Steve QJ


Photo by Oliver Ragfelt on Unsplash

There’s a lot I could say about the Andrew Tate/Greta Thunberg debacle, but I won’t bore you with that.

After all, we’ve all heard that story before, right?

“Alpha male” taunts environmentalist with his collection of “dead-dinosaur” fuelled sports cars. Environmentalist claps back with a burn so harsh it probably killed several polar bears. Alpha tries (and fails) to gather the desiccated fragments of his ego before the police arrest him on human trafficking charges.

Truly a tale as old as time.

But what’s not boring is the reaction to Tate’s arrest. Not from the media, not from the authorities, not from Greta Thunberg (although that has been pretty funny) but from a vocal minority of young men.

Ever since the story broke, there’s been an outpouring of support ranging from run-of-the-mill conspiracy theories to what I can only describe as rapturous supplication:

Who is Andrew Tate? For the blind, he is the vision. For the hungry, he is the chef. For the thirsty, he is the water. If Andrew thinks, I agree. If Andrew speaks, I’m listening. If Andrew has one fan, it is me. If Andrew has no fan, I don’t exist.



Steve QJ

Race. Politics. Culture. Sometimes other things. Almost always polite. Find more at