ANGLESE — A Romance English

An alternative history conlang with an eclectic essence

Ludovico Leone
Published in
13 min readMay 11, 2020


Premise — Premesse

Modern English is a hybrid language, formed by 60% of Latin and French terms. This makes it a language with a 26% germanic core that relies on an extensive vocabulary of roots from Latin, Greek, and others.

Moderne Anglesh es un hybride lingue, formed ad 60% de Latine ed Francese termines. Queste rende isse une lingue con un 26% germanique core que conte s’un extensive vocabularie de radices del Latine, Graeque ed altres.

English Composition

This feature makes English a tongue much more connected to Romance languages than other germanic ones like German, Swedish or Dutch.

Queste feture rende l’Anglesh un idiome mul plu connected a Romance lingues que ad altre germanique unes come Germane, Swedese od Nederlandese.

However, at the same time, its irregular pronunciation and other strange characteristics make it difficult to use with fluidity by non-native speakers, and generally, native speakers have problems with…

