Announcement of 150+ New Writers Joining ILLUMINATION Today #51

Welcome pack and a quick acknowledgment of your acceptance to ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium



New writer applications to Illumination are via our registration portal. Please review our checklist and the onboarding pack before submitting your stories to our publications. Non-member writers, please read this important bulletin using our friend link to understand the rules of our publications for smooth publishing.

Photo by Diego Madrigal from Pexels

Dear new contributors, we are sorry for the late response to your inquiries, which exceeded our capacity. We received over 3000 requests, and 80% of them were spam, so finding authentic writers took our data scientists along to analyze extensive text using various tools. Unfortunately, diversity and inclusion on the Internet come at a significant cost to us. Some people like exploiting others’ resources. Anyway, it is a long story, and we will elaborate on another story.




Lead Editor of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium. Cross-pollinating and supporting 31,000+ writers. Apply via