Member-only story
Anorexia isn’t just a thin people problem
A common misconception about anorexia is that anorexic people are all stick thin and gaunt. That’s not actually true. That’s the most serious cases of anorexia, when the physical can no longer hide the mental and emotional, but anorexia and bulemia can be well hidden in larger people too.
In my teen and adult life, I have never — not for a single day — been super thin. Since my junior year in high school, I’ve never been under a size 8. Yet, I’ve been anorexic.
I would exercise three hours a day minimum and longer on the weekends. I had personal training sessions 3 times a week, then I’d run an hour a day, and then I’d walk my dog for an extra hour and a half every single day. On weekends, I’d run my regular 6 miles, then I’d weight train for an hour, and then I’d hike with my dog for 5–8 miles every Saturday. Sundays, I’d still run and then do chores like cleaning and laundry and then walk my dog for two hours — minimum of about 5 miles.
Work was extremely stressful as well. I’d get in at 9 AM and work until 8 PM, then I’d go meet my trainer and train for an hour and then run for another hour before taking car service home. Get home by around 11 PM then walk my dog until around 1 AM before taking a shower and passing out exhausted. Not to mention, as a producer, my job was constantly on my feet and running around all day…