Another Milestone Moment

My second and third $10 earning stories

William Mersey
Published in
3 min readNov 24, 2020


Anthony Roberts

Let the big time writers laugh. Who cares? This is for all us struggling serfs. Ya know…the 99% who barely earn coffee money pouring out our souls.

Today, I achieved the ultimate: Two more stories reached $10 in earnings. Actually, that’s a slight exaggeration. One is at $9.96. But I just checked and it has 4 minutes of member reading time today. So tomorrow, it will scale Everest into the earnings stratosphere.

Before y’all get envious of this incredible accomplishment, be apprised that in the past two months, I have published in the neighborhood of 170 stories. They’ve been on all sorts of subjects. Sex, politics, prison, escorts, lawyers, music, travel? They’re all in there. Whatever moves me at the moment I’ll write about.

Many of these are published into cyberspace with no backing. Some go in my embryonic publications (one actually has 23 followers). And some have been published in smaller Medium pubs with under 10,000 followers.

Here are the three stories that have made it to $10 in earnings. Maybe there’s a lesson in here somewhere:

The first is a sex story about Savannah, the peg queen. It was published in Sex and Satire, a small outfit run by an irreverent sex fiend/size queen who calls herself…



William Mersey

Daily Beast, NY Daily News, Daily Mail, Independent contributor. "In all matters of principle, it's the principle that matters." Just call me "Dollar Bill."