Another year…

Ruks Moreea
Published in
3 min readDec 25, 2021


…full of “The End”

Photo by Author: “Blue Bay evolves”

Another year has gone by, full of hope and full of changes. Some positive events and some less so. Spiritually, many of us have gained as our experiences have been somewhat challenging. But for most of us, it has been mentally draining…

Psychologists, like myself, have come to the conclusion that we all need support to help us navigate through the unknown. Spiritual souls mostly agree that we do not have all the answers, Divinely connected beings just as most of us mere souls have many moments of feeling lost…Often I think of our ancestors, our family members who lived and survived the last major World Wars and the last major Pandemic. Humbly, I have come to the conclusion that all things come to end. The only reality in life is just that: “The End”.

“The End” has perhaps become the norm for us, the end of our past lives, the end of journeys as we witness many of our loved ones transitioning, the end of a career that served more mental stress than mental stimulation or the end of relationships that served us no purpose. Yes, the last 2 years have been eventful…

Can we take a moment to reflect on “The End”? Is it also a step towards new beginnings, new goals, new purposes and ultimately new and better us? We owe it to our lost loved ones, to become better versions of ourselves, we owe it to ourselves to become more compassionate to ourselves and to one another. As Carl Jung said, we are all connected, Divinely connected through the set shared experiences of our ancestors.

Often we navigate through life unconsciously as we go through a set of tick boxes as if life was a long to-do list. Some of us may need more time to realise how connected we all are, but ultimately when we develop our awareness, we get to navigate choppy waters with a certain ease. “The End” of resentment and bitterness that seeped into us like poison, perhaps can be slowly replaced with love and kindness as we navigate this journey with open hearts. Life is not a competition or a race to win at all costs, and our cry for help is often not attention-seeking.

Perhaps that is an INHERENT issue of ours, to prey on and to judge the vulnerable suffering souls as being attention seekers. There are no apps for that, we just need our own Divine inner apps to develop our sense of self and become aware of our failings. And for sure we can open ourselves to well-meaning support. We are ultimately Divinely connected after all…

Of course, we cannot help anyone who refuses to develop a sense of compassion for the suffering or who refuse to acknowledge their need for help. We cannot help anyone who chooses victimhood as a modus operandi. However, for the large majority of us, I believe that we can go through our challenges better if we felt better supported. Things happen for good reasons and difficult challenges and hardship face the ultimate End.

Medium is a lovely platform for the exchange of like-minded souls. If you ever feel the need to drop in, my door is open to you. If you ever feel the need, please feel free to drop me a line. At any rate, I am happy to listen and be present. I do not claim to be a sage and nor do I have a crystal ball to predict the future. I am simply a spiritual being and I am able to feel energies, just as any sensitive soul can. However, I do feel that my purpose in this part of my journey is to support any of us when needed. It is about co-creating a better reality for us all…

I wish you all a joyful Christmas and peaceful 2022. May it be special just as you are…



Ruks Moreea

Alternative Thinker. Lover of All Things Good & Life. Interested in humanity, spirituality, conscious parenting and human energy. MSc Psychology,PhD, FRSPH