Answered: A Step-By-Step Guide To Making Money With Programming Tutorials

TLDR; Programming tutorials are a great asset to your programming knowledge. Read here about mine. You can learn a lot when you know how to create and run one since this will help you understand the processes of coding. But, before you can start instructing others on how to code, it is necessary for you to first become knowledgeable in the tutorial subject and know what you’re teaching the people who follow your video.

Antonio Blago
3 min readNov 13, 2022


Photo by Roman Synkevych 🇺🇦 on Unsplash

What is a Programming Tutorial?

A programming tutorial is a guide that helps people learn how to code. There are many different ways to create a programming tutorial, but most of them follow a similar structure.

First, you need to choose the language you want to use. There are dozens of popular programming languages, so it can be tough to decide which one is right for you. Once you’ve chosen a language, find resources online or in books that will help you learn the basics.

Once you’ve learned the basics, it’s time to start creating your tutorials. You can do this by sharing your code snippets on websites like GitHub or Bitbucket, or by writing articles about specific topics related to programming.

If you want to make money from your programming tutorials, a few different options are available. You can sell advertising space on your website or blog or create and sell courses on sites like Udemy. You can also offer consulting services to companies needing help with coding projects.

How I Make Money with Programming Tutorials

There are a few ways that you can make money with programming tutorials. The first way is to sell your tutorials as products on sites like Amazon or Udemy. You can also earn affiliate income by promoting other people’s products on your blog or website. Finally, you can create a membership site where people can access your exclusive content for a monthly fee. When you start from scratch I recommend or There you can start for free and build an audience.

If you want to sell your tutorials as products, the best way to do this is to create an eBook or video course. You can then list it for sale on Gumroad or Udemy. If you have a large following on your blog or YouTube channel, you could also promote other people’s products as an affiliate and earn a commission on every sale that you generate.

If you want to create a membership site, the best way to do this is to use a This will allow you to restrict access to certain content on your site and charge people a monthly fee to access it. You can also offer discounts for longer-term memberships, which will give people an incentive to sign up for longer periods.


If you’re interested in making money by teaching others how to code, then this guide is for you. By following the steps outlined here, you can create high-quality programming tutorials that will appeal to a wide range of learners. With a little effort and dedication, you can build a successful business around your passion for programming. Thanks for reading and good luck!

Read on here about how to build an online business!

