Shocking Ancient Aliens Revelation: The Anunnaki Are Real and Still Among Us

Mr Momoh
Published in
5 min readAug 5, 2023


Photo: generated by A heroic Anunnaki in a military uniform

Stepping away from my writing desk, I went on a personal journey of discovery, which brought me to the interesting topic of the Anunnaki.
These fascinating beings were depicted in ancient Sumerian literature and have piqued the interest of those attempting to comprehend our beginnings.

Intriguingly, I began exploring deeper, scouring the huge web resources and encountering numerous theories, including those of Billy Carlson and others. I implore every reader to find this man, brother, or human with tremendous knowledge on this subject.

Among the many unique characteristics of the Anunnaki, the emerald stones piqued my interest. These stones bore a striking resemblance to the Ten Commandments, prompting concerns about Anunnaki’s impact on religious conceptions of God.

Could it be that elements of our religions were influenced by the ancient depictions of these beings?

As I immersed myself in the wealth of information available, I found myself contemplating the intricate connections between ancient civilizations, their beliefs, and the profound impact they might have had on shaping our current religious and cultural beliefs.



Mr Momoh

I am a multi-faceted creative who has evolved from being an "Old School" designer to a product thinker, martial artist, avid traveler, proud owner of RR female