Answer The Million Dollar Question: What’s My Writing Niche?

Squeezing five decades of experiences on a writer’s blog is no piece of cake. But no harm trying!

Misbah Ul Haq Syed


Photo by Dmitry Vechorko on Unsplash

I have been thinking about this topic long and hard. Literally for months. Today, we are going to witness the end of this long marathon. It will be a new chapter in my writing career — maybe in yours too!

Let’s hit it without further ado…

What’s “MY” niche

Taking a lead from my bio, I consider the following options. I will evaluate each one of them honestly and critically.

  1. Travel: I have lived in four countries and traveled to over twenty. Living in different parts of the world and working for the corporate sector for almost two decades has helped me achieve this. Now, living in Europe allows me to explore much more. So, this is a great subject for writing as I will never run out of stock.
  2. Food: This is something that I can talk about for hours without having a single yawn. I love mouth-watering international cuisines and the list can never be exhaustive. I love trying new, classic, and exotic recipes. My first two stories on Medium were also about food. I think this will be a great niche for me. I can talk about tasty treats and food fusions…

