Approach Dating In 2025 With These 4 New Attitudes

4 Ways To Improve Your Dating Experience in 2025

Joe Gibson, Above The Middle


Bayu Samudro on Pexels

Recently I’ve been reflecting on my past dating experiences.

I use to be someone who’d get stuck in situationships and would be hung-up on people who simply weren’t interested. I was awful at taking notice of red flags, did not have great boundaries, and had little hope that I could find someone who was genuinely interested in me.

I wanted to compile a short-list of attitudes I would suggest to someone who was looking to get back into dating.

Here they are:

1. Stop Looking To Get Someone To Like You

I know, this is what we’re dating for, right? To get someone to like us.

My issue with this, and why I’ve changed my outlook, is that in placing too much credence on someone else’s approval, we begin to lose ourselves. I see so many YouTube videos and blogs titled, “how to get someone to like you” in response to individuals wanting to know how they can attract their crush and the answer is to simply be your authentic.

When we become what we think someone else wants us to be, we lose all the authenticity that makes us unique. We lose the spark that allows others to connect to us…



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