AR Billboard — The Future Of Advertisements

Sundar Balamurugan
Published in
2 min readJul 17, 2022

Hello Guys,

We got a chance of showcasing our tech AR Billboard at IIT madras. I am excited on sharing something about AR Billboard with you now.

After creating and selling Booboo cards in bakeries for Christmas. We had a discussion between us regarding what tech we can build next. While discussing we saw a billboard and had a question why can’t we make something using the Billboard. So we thought of making something interesting using the Billboard. So we added the Augmented Reality technology to the Billboard and made an AR Billboard. This was my second project as far as the field of Augmented Reality is concerned. So we decided what to do so we sat down and started to create a blueprint on how the AR Billboard should function.

We added several options to the AR Billboard. We added a video of what the Billboard was about, a demo of what the Billboard would show, a call button where you can call directly to the customer care of the respected advertiser, a link to visit the website directly. So we decided how the AR Billboard would look and what value it would add to the normal Billboard.

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We thought of applying for some contests. So as we were searching Juspay hackathon at IIT madras came our way. So we applied for it and got shortlisted and they asked us to build the tech and come to Shaastra IIT madras and show the demo of our tech. I was at that time in Bengaluru attending an event at Nasscom. So I returned back to college and had only 2 days to build the tech which I did successfully with the help of my teammates.

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We finally reached IIT madras on the event date and did several demo pitches. Our team name was Hack_guys consisting of four guys from Bannari Amman Institute Of technology. We were doing some demo pitches on the way and at the venue even. I had a vital part in the presentation and my friends there helped me to do that well. Our chance came and we presented our Tech to the Judges. We had a wonderful time there presenting our Tech to the judges. We gained a lot of experience and an enormous amount of knowledge.

Overall it was a good experience for me of taking my friends to a contest and giving some value to them. I gained some knowledge of how to work as a team.

Here’s my LinkedIn profile: Sundar Balamurugan



Sundar Balamurugan

I am a Computer Vision Engineer. I talk, read, and write about Technology , startups , Sports, Cryptocurrency.