Architecture & Entertainment

Architectural Review: The Three Little Pigs

Exclusive interview with the famous Pig brothers

Paul Coogan
Published in
4 min readDec 5, 2021


A large brick Tudor castle with stormy skies in the background.
Pig brothers’ main residence built in 2002. Photo by inkknife_2000 (7.5 million views +), CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The story of the three pigs is well known but our field reporter, Paul Coogan has scooped the real story behind the straw, sticks, and brick of the famous curly-tailed brothers.

Paul: Before we talk houses, why did you change your names?

Horst: Thanks for interviewing us, Paul. First understand we were born in a different age and our names, Browny, Whitey, and Blacky did not work well during the era of Civil Rights, which by the way, we are strong supporters of. We were just starting on our careers and thought a name change could bolster our business.

Heimlich: It was Dieter and I that chose the names. We were playing the North Beach music scene and thought “Fifer and Fidler” would be a good headliner. Horst was our manager and engineer so fans nicknamed him Practical Pig.

Dieter: It was a lot of fun. Especially the girls, man I…

Horst: Let’s get back to the question Dieter. It was a lot of fun but eventually, we got more serious about the work and decided to keep our Shrek names. Hence, Heimlich, Dieter, and for me, Horst.



Paul Coogan

(he/him/his) Project Manager, Artist, and Data Visualization/Activist Geek