Are Digital Nomads Happy?

I doubt it.

Aure's Notes


Photo by Spenser Sembrat on Unsplash

After 14 minutes of climbing in the streets of Lisbon, I reached the café I had planned to write in only to find out that the place had been invaded by digital nomads.

Most of the tables were occupied by tall, muscular AirPod-wearing Chads and cute smart-looking girls (we need a “Chad” equivalent for winning women) frantically typing on a $3k MacBook laid next to the $1k iPhone.

I smiled.

I used to be one of these people (minus the Apple apparel) until my writing career came to a halt as a result of an algorithm update (*hum hum*).

“Are these people happy”, I wondered.

The answer quickly followed: no.

Digital nomads are not happy.

They’re the addicts of their generation, except that their drug isn’t cocaine or speed: it’s vegan latte and beach parties.

Why Digital Nomads Are Unhappy

I wrote some years ago that Ryanair (the European Spirit Airline) was the new escape drug.

Millennials and GenZ don’t drink, fvkc, or snort.

They travel.

My generation’s villains are commitment and responsibilities as outlined by the birthrate dive; its Holy Grail is passive



Aure's Notes

2X Msc in pol. science and business econ. Summarized +100 books. 25k people read From Belgium. No niche.