Are Humans Dumb?

The aliens think we can’t handle the truth.

Melanie J.


Photo Credit: General Electric

Humanity isn’t ready for aliens. That was the thought expressed by a former Israeli space security chief, 87-year-old Haim Eshed. A man quite credible with 30 years of experience in Israel’s space program. He admitted that aliens are real, and Trump knows about them, but the “Galactic Federation”, which is like an alien network, thinks that revealing that aliens exist would cause “mass hysteria”. You can read more in this article: Former Israeli space security chief says aliens exist, humanity not ready — The Jerusalem Post (

Are we really shocked by the existence of aliens?
We shouldn’t be. What I was shocked about was that recently the US government released evidence of otherworldly crafts (UFOs) and declared them to be real. So, if UFOs are real, wouldn’t that equate to aliens being real, unless the government is behind all those flying crafts? Who knows? Nothing makes sense anymore.

I have been down so many rabbit holes from listening/reading/watching stories about Antarctica, the inner earth theory, alien bases on Mars, multi-dimensions and universes, UFOs in the Bible, the dark side of the moon, etc. There are so many rabbit holes to get lost in and at this point, I am tired, and I just want the truth. Trust me, Galactic Federation, we humans can…

