Are Some People Just Born to Be Unhappy?

When “change your mindset, change your life” becomes an insensible thing to say.

Raphael Paul


Photo by on Sydney Sims on Unsplash.

I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. For some weird reason, every thought in my head seems to be coloured with a little bit of sadness. And this has me pouring out my thoughts on the whole concept of unhappiness.

Self-help gurus tend to oversimplify the problem of unhappiness. They’re adamant that happiness resides within the hands of any human — that you can simply choose to be happy and happiness will find you. “Change your mindset, change your life,” they say with a strong sense of conviction. But you know what? I find that hard to fully believe. Yes, for many people that will actually work, but this life is massively unbalanced.

There are different levels to unhappiness. For many of us, unhappiness is a fleeting but intense feeling that comes from being laid off, not being able to pay the bills, being rejected by your crush, catching your partner cheating on you, getting a “B” in an exam you were so sure you were gonna ace, looking in the mirror and realising you’ve added weight, watching your startup fail, or watching Tesla stocks tank immediately after you went all in.

This set of people can solve their problems by choosing to look at that event not as…



Raphael Paul

Copywriter | Student of Life | Lover of Good Music | Guitarist.