Are we a generation of broken people?

I wish I could say no

Human Hobbes
2 min readAug 26, 2022


Photo by Marianna Smiley on Unsplash

I am a 90s kid. And I feel so out of place. Maybe, it’s our generation.

I always have a haunting feeling of not doing enough. I need to be hustling more. Working more. Not getting left behind, while my peers/juniors are ticking off career/life milestones.

We’re definitely far more competitive than our parents used to be.

We have as many opportunities, as we have distractions.
We are extremely ambitious, but also very hollowed out.
We have opened our lives to social media, but have closed our hearts to vulnerabilities.
We post happy pictures for the world but are lonely from the inside.
We have multiple dating options/apps, but those bring us more heartaches and foster self-doubts.
We’ve become global citizens, but miss the warm, familiar friendships of our hometowns.
We travel every few months but do not immerse ourselves fully in actually experiencing the places. (We’re busy clicking, editing, and posting pictures for the gram. Because have you really traveled, if it’s not posted on Instagram?)
We’ve more money, but less satisfaction.
We pretend to have it all figured out but are as clueless as a child lost in the supermarket — crippled by infinite choices.
We try to have a tough exterior but are really weak inside.

At times, we really wish someone would just hold our hand and guide us back home.

In a world where we can be anybody, we must be our own authentic selves — unique, 100% percent original. But most of us don’t really know who that is. Because it requires introspection, silence, pauses in life, and most importantly, spending time with ourselves. And boy, how have we forgotten to do that? Sometimes, all we got to do is just get the basics right.

Because at the end of the day, who’s got you? YOU! Make sure you’re in good hands ;)



Human Hobbes

Wander and wonder. I write to soothe, myself and you.