Are WE in the Matrix?

Veritas Civis
Published in
4 min readNov 6, 2023

There is no need for ten Red pills/Blue pills to choose from. There is only one choice — Do we get back to our National roots or not?

The Only Choice — Image By W. Carter at Wikimedia Commons with License

Are we ready to break out of the slumber sleep we’ve been in due to the “incremental seduction” (Paradox of the Boiling Frog) created by all the governments since 1913?”

The truth, if you can see it, is “our nation’s roots were diverted into a swamp back in 1913 when Woodrow Wilson became president.” We have grown this country with an embedded lie.

The swamp we are in is called a “dystopia.

“People Leaving the City” — Image, By Zbigniew Libera, At Wiki Commons

This photo is the artist’s futuristic vision of a dying metropolis.

“People are abandoning the cities which no longer provide them with electricity or running water, looking for a friendlier place to live. The work relates to Libera’s earlier series of photographs — the Masters and Positives series and the question of shaping collective memory.”

Collective memory shaped by false governments that have abandoned the truth and, with the help of the media and the internet, have placed instead dependencies that are not self-sustaining. Why? Because in the end, it is not up to the government to create sustainment; it is up to us, the people.

It has taken us 110 years to get to where we are now. How do we snap out of the “steady as she goes” quiet mode we’ve been in? We need to look hard within ourselves and find the TRUTH.

The GOVERNMENT does not shape us!
WE shape the government.


Today. We throw “Moral Rocks” at each other. All driven by a “belief” inculcated by the “governments” we have been electing forever and a day.

The difference between “our reality” and The Matrix is that each of us has to be a “Neo” and break out of the tank.

From the “Matrix” Plot:
Morpheus offers Neo a choice between two pills: red to reveal the truth about the Matrix or blue to make Neo forget everything and return to his former life. Neo takes the red pill, and his reality begins to distort, awakening in a liquid-filled pod among countless other pods containing other humans.

Morpheus, in our case, is “our conscience.” It shows up when each (of us) “Neo” goes to the core of thinking honestly and thinks — Because thinking with a “different” mind (the red pill) is not going to kill us, and we just might learn the truth.

SO… BE NEO as you read this:

  • “Where did we start? And walks through the road we have traveled without judgment (there is nothing we can do about the past).
    We got together, formed a rag-tag Army, and beat one of the strongest powers on earth at the time. Granted, we had help from the “other power” (the French) — sort of what Ukraine is doing today.
  • Once at peace, we created a never-known-before form of government known as a “Democratic Republic.” Where “E Pluribus Unum” or “Out of Many One” was the core idea.
    The idea became the basis for our “Declaration for Independence — Our Moral Law” and later our “Constitution — The Law of the Land.”
    The idea that with the “Blue pill” we have forgotten. People no longer know how significant the words on the Seal of our Country are.
  • “Out of many one” has an embedded truth in it — each of us has to do our part to continue building this country and stay safe while doing it. “Our part” is to work within the measure of our ability.
  • Each of us “do our part,” then all of us have to respect each other no matter “our job title or social status.” What does the book say? “Love each other?” — meaning — “Respect.”
  • We, the collective us, cannot grow up disrespecting others because they have lesser education, smaller jobs, less money, less brain capacity, you name it, it cannot be. We are all created equal… WOKEness is WRONG. There is no name for BEING AN AMERICAN. People can be whatever they want elsewhere in the world. That is not us. We are different; we have always been different, and to continue to build what our fathers created, we need to get back to our real roots.
  • To start, read the attachment below. It is only a 6-minute read, but the images are worth more.




Veritas Civis

Independent Thinker; Learned by Reading; Work to Improve; Love Family; Belief: It’s the truth that makes us one, It’s the center of our sun (“Everybody Cries”).