
Are We Programmed To Succeed

The Commonality Of Living

P.G. Barnett
Published in
5 min readMay 29, 2020


Whether it’s “working for the man” or a life of self-employment we often spend our days stressing out to make enough to exist. If we were to stop and think about it, because we rarely ever do, most of us spend the majority of our lives slaving away for the meager stipends we receive.

It’s a commonality of living life we all share. And it follows, that most of us get worn to a nub and grow exhausted at times.

As writers, we’ve spent years watching our hard work and effort go from delightfully good (we thought at the time) to impossibly bad (it’s not) to terribly ugly (beauty’s still in the eye of the beholder), and sometimes we just don’t know what direction to take anymore.

The problem is we often try to work through the depression and the brain exhaustion to produce even when we don’t feel like producing. And when we pull up to a screeching halt or a complete melt-down, we beat the crap out of ourselves for not producing.

Talk about a vicious cycle.

We’ve put ourselves through h*ll and worked our a*ses off to eke out a little slice of heaven. A slice of heaven we’ve been taught to seek out because we’ve been programmed to succeed since we were itty bitty.



P.G. Barnett

A published author enjoying married Texas bliss. Dog person living with cats. A writer of Henry James' stories. Featured In MuckRack. Top Writer In Fiction.