Are You a Good Person? From a Christian Perspective

I don’t think human beings are inherently good. The isolated acts of kindness and selflessness are the exception to our inherent selfishness, I think.

Andre Koome
3 min readMay 30, 2024


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Are you a good person? Most people would say yes, but why is that? I’ve noticed a growing obsession with being perceived as good, and it’s made me wonder whether true goodness or the appearance of it is what people seek.

The benefits of being seen as a good person are obvious. Politicians, for example, often speak about saving children, protecting the environment, and helping minority communities without actually doing much for those causes.

For many, goodness is a tool — a way to sell a product, secure a vote, or excuse past misdeeds. But what does it really mean to be a good person?

Before exploring the Bible’s perspective on goodness, let’s consider what goodness is not. This view contrasts with what many people consider as goodness.

‘Supporting’ a Cause Doesn’t Make You a Good Person

Supporting climate change initiatives or opposing animal cruelty doesn’t automatically make us good people. This might come as a shock, but most of us who tweet about climate change or other crises aren’t doing anything substantial. Our social media posts are often the extent of our contribution, convincing us of our inherent goodness.

Generation Z often views activism as tweeting “#savetheplanet” or whatever cause is trending. Activism has shifted from a self-sacrificing endeavor to a selfish, politically motivated act. This is evident when you ask these so-called activists what they’ve done for the cause beyond tweeting.

Clearly, goodness is more than just an act. People can mask malevolent intentions behind seemingly good actions. Donating to charity, for example, can be politically motivated, making it hard to call oneself a good person.

Jordan Peterson defines aiming for the highest good as aiming for the opposite of evil. He describes evil as the conscious intent to cause unnecessary suffering or exploit others’ vulnerabilities to increase their suffering.

According to Peterson, aiming for the opposite of evil makes you a good person. But whose good are you aiming for? Yours or others? What motivates this pursuit? And who defines what “good” is? Do you trust yourself to be so selfless that you always put others first? I don’t.

This highlights the challenge of defining goodness. Who determines what is right and wrong? It’s not me, and it’s not other people, because we all have flaws.

This doesn’t mean we aren’t capable of good. We perform good acts occasionally, sometimes with sincere, selfless motives. However, brief moments of selflessness don’t make us inherently good. They show our potential for good, but that’s about it.

What Does the Bible Say About Being Good?

The Bible’s definition of good is simple: God is good, and humanity is not. In Luke 18:9, Jesus says, “Why callest thou me good? none is good, save one, that is, God.”

This verse can be offensive, triggering a defensive response as if we need to prove our righteousness to God. But the Bible makes a compelling argument about human nature.

God judges not only actions but also motives, which reveal character. According to the Bible, humans are inherently selfish. The rare moments of genuine, selfless good are exceptions. Most of the time, our needs come first, even in acts that seem selfless.

If you think you’re an exception, examine your motives honestly. You’ll likely realize you’re not as good as you think. This realization can be surprising, but it also applies to others. Being perceived as good is different from being genuinely good.

True goodness is rare and often obscured by selfish motives. The Bible suggests that only God embodies true goodness, challenging us to reflect on our actions and motives. Understanding this distinction can lead to more sincere efforts to do good in the world.



Andre Koome

Young writer, theorist and researcher. Making good art writing.