Are You a Writer or an Author? Medium Prefers One Kind

Monetise your writing. Increase profitability with these steps

Amit Karmakar
Published in
4 min readFeb 8, 2023


a cartoon figure holding a latop and thinking what to type
Are you a writer or an author? Created with Blush Humaaans

This is a big topic; I mean Big!! I'll keep the scope of this article to the confines of general Author-writer discussion from a Medium perspective. It pays to know the difference, even if they are subtle.

The terms' Writer' and 'Author' are often used interchangeably. I used to make this mistake too. However, know that they are similar yet different. Medium has an excellent patronage of writers and Authors. Being surrounded by a strong, positive, and purpose-driven community is fantastic. Therefore, knowing where your writing style sits can make your time profitable. You can monetize your skills further. But let's start with the basic general definition.


A writer writes. They can be ghostwriters, blog writers, copywriters, Screenwriters, article writers, etc. A Writer may get paid, but they can do it all for nothing, a hobby, perhaps. They also have the luxury of never sharing their work with the world. Technically, you can declare yourself a writer as soon as you write. Writing can be short or long. Generally is more straightforward by nature (not to be confused with short story Authors). A writer often has one…



Amit Karmakar

👑 Top writer in Ideas. Author of ‘Big little things’. I write about different things, sometimes about 🌈 writing, watercolours or photography.