Are You Annoyed When You Have To Agree To Disagree?

Oh yes, you bet that I am.

Aldric Chen


Photo by Antenna on Unsplash

I find this intriguing. And what does it even mean? I am sure there are kind intentions put forth by the originator of this statement. At face value, it seems to suggest that diversity in opinions should be appreciated.

At that level, I concur. Being right doesn’t mean that the opposite party is wrong. On the contrary, it simply means there are multiple angles to an issue.

Henceforth, it is okay to disagree with me. It is okay to present your perspective. It is also okay to voice your thoughts.

However, I have this weird inkling that it is over-used and probably abused. Just as any catchy phrases that are widely adopted, it will evolve to a life of its own, one where it departs from the original intent.

For instance, the statement “Start with Why”. Simon Sinek did a fantastic job articulating why we need to understand our deepest thoughts and our motivations. I am in total alignment with that perspective, and we definitely have to start with why.

But more thoughts have to be placed on this. Not everyone has to start with why today. There is a rare minority who has figured themselves out and need not be unnecessarily drown by this popular notion.



Aldric Chen

24x Top Writer (as of June 2023). Serial eavesdropper. I capture interesting & uncomfortable real-life retirement / work-life stories the way they are.