Engagement is not just about knocking on each other’s door

Are You Boring Your Readers?

Unlocking the Secrets to riveting writing — one sentence at a time

Sophia Tell- Stories 🤓📢🤓


Let your writing sing,
Convey a sense of bling, bling!
Craft a unique thing.

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

Each week, I strive to improve my writing and avoid boring readers to tears. So, I searched online for writing tips to ensure readers stayed on my page for over 30 seconds!

What I found out

Apparently, using sentences of the same length can create monotony and be tiresome for the reader. I don’t want to be accused of being dull and left with readers fleeing out of sight! So, today, I’ll introduce a new approach.

I will demonstrate what I have learned below!

Vary your sentence lengths.

I learned today that varying sentence length is crucial to keeping the reader interested. If our sentences are all the same length, we risk losing the reader’s attention as the text becomes tedious and dull.

Variety is the spice of life. Yes, it is! We need variety. This is what I am attempting to do in this paragraph: to create a flowing and engaging style.

Photo by Author Generated By Bing.com images

This way, the words create a kind of music. Yes! Now, I might challenge the reader further with a longer sentence, but I realise that this cannot continue for too long. It’s important to know when to stop! Yes, it is!

Listen to this poem about sentence length by Gary Provost

So, you see, it’s essential to write with the aim of making your words sing and captivate the reader. Let’s make music together, even if it is acapella style. Let your words be music to your reader’s ears!

You want them to enjoy what they’re reading, and if it’s being read aloud by an AI, it should flow smoothly.

What do you think? It’s definitely worth a try. I will keep on experimenting!

Here is a sentence checker :

So, for the purposes of this exercise.

  • A long sentence will be up to 25 words.
  • A short sentence will be up to 7 words.
  • Medium sentences will be up to 15 words.

You can adjust the time if you wish, considering doing slightly less for a longer one. Even 15 words can seem lengthy for some. I prefer 15 long, 7 medium, and then 5 short. Play around with it and see how you get on

If you try this on one of your articles. Do TAG Me!

©Sophia Tell. All rights reserved.

Have a fabulous day.

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