Are You Building a Business or a Legacy?

Legacy! What does it mean to you?

Kim Jagwe
Published in
3 min readMay 10, 2020


Photo Courtesy of Kim Jagwe, COO of Sowl Studios

The word legacy conjures up different meanings for different people. The most widely known definition of legacy is money or property left to someone in a will. I mean, who wouldn’t want to inherit a windfall of millions? As much as I like this definition, it needs a greater vision or visionary. I would like to step in as said visionary if you will indulge me.

Before I share my thoughts on what a business legacy is, allow me to guide you through the my thought process of why this topic matters so much.

I am a first-generation entrepreneur. I am black. I am female.

Some might see these three statements and instantly discard the wisdom in what I am about to share. The truth is, if I can find success with the odds stacked against me, then you can too! Building my company in partnership with my husband has been exhausting and beyond the scope of my wildest imagination. I have had to work twice as hard to be heard and taken seriously. It has taken three times as long just to enter the playing field. But, here I am. And I am not going home. Others need what I have to offer, not just the service of my company, but the courage of my relentless pursuit.



Kim Jagwe

Kim Jagwe:, Podcaster* Faith Builder* CEO of God's Perfect Size.* Really Cool Human. My internet home is