Are you dazed and confused about your goals?

Matthew McConaughey’s Strategy to Tackle Intimidating Goals

C Prakash
4 min readAug 9, 2023


Photo by Siora Photography on Unsplash

Do you know…… according to a study only 8% of people feel successful in achieving their New Year’s resolutions? It means a whopping 92% fail to achieve their goals.

This staggering statistic highlights a common challenge many of us face when setting ambitious goals.

The issue is not a lack of skill, knowledge, or commitment. Rather, it’s often the overwhelming intimidation of these goals that leaves 92% of individuals falling short.

To be honest. I, too, was once part of that majority.

After the lockdown, I decided to get in shape.

Initially, my aim was to 20 pounds but over time it seemed too hard. I experimented with various diets, from keto to intermittent fasting. I even tried to reduce my sugar intake. Yet, despite these efforts, I didn’t see much change.

I had no clarity on my goals and changing my routine overnight felt like too much for me. Due to this, I started to feel overwhelmed and lost all my excitement.

At one point, I even thought of giving up and just staying unhealthy forever……

The McConaughey Approach

During this period I stumbled upon an incredible framework while reading Mathew Mccoughney’s memoir “Greenlights”.

In his memoir, McConaughey opens up about his pivotal moment in Hollywood through the movie “Dazed and Confused” and how it shaped his career.

Reflecting on his lucky breakthrough he comes up with a great way to think about personal growth:

“Every success happens step by step. You do one thing well, then do another. One at a time, just like that. Keep repeating until you finish, and then it’s like starting again with one.”

Sound simple right?

This simple approach changed my perspective completely. I understood I can’t get better by trying everything all at once. Instead, I need to focus on one thing at a time and it takes time and practice to get better at anything……

Building Success One Step at a Time

I get back on my path with renewed determination and a solid action plan. I was ready to take on my weight loss challenge again… but this time with a different approach.

I broke down my goal into monthly weekly and daily goals.

My monthly goal was to lose 4 pounds. While weekly goals were: 90 mins workout five days a week, targeting every muscle group.

And the most important ones were my daily goals. I aimed to consume 2000 calories, intake 150 grams of protein, and dedicate 90 minutes to intense gym sessions.

To stay on track, I push myself to hit these milestones daily. Of course, there were moments when I fell short of my goals. But I made sure to not get discouraged by that.

After some time. Things got easier. I began to regularly hit my daily goals. Even though there were times when I fail due to some work or other conditions.

But I developed a habit to complete my goals most days. These small wins gave me a sense of accomplishment. Due to this, I remain motivated throughout my journey. And in 6 months I lose around 20 pounds.

Success isn’t confined to deadlines. It depends on the schedule that you follow consistently.

Strategies to Conquer Intimidating Goals

Breaking down goals into small manageable steps not only prevents procrastination but also gives momentum, reduces stress and anxiety, and also helps in tracking progress and achievement.

This approach will give you a sense of accomplishment and the drive to stay consistent on your path. It will be beneficial in the long term.

So, here are some effective strategies you can implement to conquer your intimidating goals:

Set a clear goal: Begin by getting a clear understanding of your goal. This will not only help you in creating a precise plan…also help you in setting a clear deadline for intimidating goals.

Sometimes your goals might seem a bit intimidating but if you know what you’re doing and when to finish, it will become easier to achieve.

Segment into milestones: Once your goal is defined divide it into milestones. These can range from larger yearly or quarterly goals to medium monthly objectives, and even smaller weekly or daily targets. These are some serious checkpoints that you need to achieve and these will ensure you’re on track and getting closer to your goal.

Create smaller goals: Now further segment these milestones into daily tasks that are manageable and realistic. Make sure they have smaller time frames. These goals are not only achievable but also give you a sense of victory. These tasks may seem insignificant but they will play an important role in your overall success

Assign timeline: It is necessary to set timeframes for your goals. Otherwise, you will wander aimlessly like a traveler without a destination. Assign deadline for each of your milestones and daily tasks. It not only creates a sense of urgency….also gives you a clear roadmap to follow.

Monitor progress: Do not ignore your small wins. These are stepping stones for your bigger success. Don’t forget to celebrate them because these will fuel your motivation and drive to reach your goals. But don’t go overboard otherwise it will distract you from your primary objective.

Be flexible: You have to be adaptable because circumstances may not always be in your favor. There might be instances that will throw you off the track. So it’s important to not these setbacks discourage you. You have to be flexible enough to get back on track after facing unfavorable conditions.

Final Thoughts

Success isn’t about achieving everything all at once. The journey towards your goals is a series of small steps, each building on the other. Just like Matthew McConaughey’s principle of “one in a row,” focus on doing one thing well, then another, until you reach your destination.



C Prakash

I am freelance writer and I offer copywriting and content writing services. If you want to hire me, email me at