Are you doing what you love in this busy life?

Is your job killing your happiness?

Pavan kumar
2 min read15 hours ago


A cobbler reading the newspaper. photo by Rummieji.

After a long, hectic day at work, I came back with my stock of energy dissipated on meeting the demands of the job.

But there is nothing more rejuvenating than a walk in nature and a half-hour run I resort to doing afterward. It makes me happy.

All the tiredness and monotony of life vanish giving way to satisfaction, for my life force is not being spent in vain.

We all are leading a very arduous life. Earning bread has become a struggle in itself. In this race, we sacrifice a lot more than we think.

We invest our time and energy in arranging basic amenities of life. In the meantime, we forget to give ourselves the love we deserve. All the things that make us happy become secondary.

A walk in the park becomes a burden after a gruelling day at the office. The mere thought of a football match gives us the blues. All the beautiful paintings on the wall you made. All the beautiful articles you wrote in your journal. Isn’t it what you loved once so much?

We must not let our pursuit of earning money close doors to happiness. We deserve to be happy.

It would take some effort on your part to rekindle the passion lost. Just as every good thing demands it.

When our happiness is at stake, it is worth making an effort.

Persistent effort produces permanent change. A change in habit is the starting point of a change in life. A heart full of happiness in the monotony of life would be, definitely, a welcome change.

Seek happiness in the present moment - it is the nectar of life. And you deserve every bit of it. Don’t spend your all on work altogether, save something for yourself - even if a little bit.

Thank you for reading.



Pavan kumar

Peace of mind is the most valuable treasure of all.I wandered all around in search of it.It is within me that I found it.