Are You Falling Into the Tree Trap?

Let me show you how to avoid the tree trap

Matthew Kerridge


Green tree graphic
Image created by the author on Canva

Repeat after me “you are not a tree”.

If you’re anything like me there are circumstances in your life that are not perfect.

You might not be happy with your job. You might not be happy with where you live. You might not even be happy with who you live with.

The good news is you have the opportunities that trees don’t. You can stand up and you can change your life’s circumstances.

A Tree’s Approach to Life

A baby tree has only one option. Grow or die. Like us, it has no choice with where it starts life. Once a seed becomes a sapling it has to grow and establish roots to continue to grow, survive and hopefully one day thrive.

If the conditions for the young tree aren’t perfect then the tree has no other option. It can’t get up and go and find somewhere with more light or with better soil. It has to use what it can where it is. It has no other option.

A Human’s Approach to Life

We start life very much like a tree. We don’t choose where we begin but the majority of us are lucky. We don’t have to find the things we need to survive. These are brought to us.



Matthew Kerridge

I share productivity, personal growth and philosophy advice to help you live a more productive, fulfilling and happy life.