Are you finding it difficult to create a calorie deficit?

Follow these simple tips

Nitesh More
3 min readApr 24, 2023


Photo by Mark DeYoung on Unsplash

“One must eat to live, not live to eat.”

-Jean-Baptiste Poquelin

A calorie-controlled diet is a tried and true approach to help you lose those excess pounds, even if losing weight might be difficult.

To create a calorie deficit and reach your weight loss objectives, eating low-calorie foods is a successful method.

Here are some important tips related to low-calorie foods for weight loss.

What meals contain few calories?

Foods classified as low-calorie are those with fewer calories per serving than other foods.

Low-calorie foods are typically high in fibre and water content, which makes you feel full on fewer calories. Including fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and healthy grains, low-calorie foods can be found in every food category.

“It takes five minutes to consume 500 calories. It takes two hours to burn them off.”


Why are low-calorie foods helpful in shedding pounds?

A calorie deficit, which is the result of consuming fewer calories than your body uses, leads to weight loss.

Because you might consume more of these meals without eating too many calories, low-calorie foods are useful for reducing your calorie intake.

For example, a huge salad filled with nutritious vegetables and lean protein would have fewer calories than a tiny slice of pizza.

What kinds of foods are low in calories?

Here are a few low-calorie foods that are excellent for losing weight:

  • Vegetables: Because they are high in water and fibre, vegetables have few calories. The best low-calorie vegetables include kale, spinach, broccoli, and cauliflower.
  • Fruits: Fruits contain natural sugars that can satisfy your sweet taste and are also high in fibre and water content. Apples, berries, and grapefruit are a handful of the best low-calorie fruits.
  • Lean Protein: Protein helps you feel fuller for longer and is necessary for both muscle growth and repair. The finest low-calorie protein sources include tofu, fish, chicken breast, and turkey breast.
  • Whole Grains: Rich in nutrients and fibre, whole grains can help you feel fuller for longer. Brown rice is among the best, the whole grains with minimal calories, also quinoa, and barley are more opinions for you.
  • Legumes: Because they are solid in protein and fibre, legumes are a fantastic low-calorie option. Lentils, chickpeas, and black beans are a few of the best low-calorie legumes.

How can low-calorie food be introduced into your diet?

With a few effortless steps, including low-calorie foods in your diet is simple:

#1. Add veggies to half of your plate, By putting vegetables on half of your plate, you’ll automatically consume fewer calories while still feeling satisfied and full.

#2. Replace high-calorie stuff with low-calorie alternatives, such as zucchini noodles for traditional spaghetti or water with lemon for soda.

#3. Snack on low-calorie foods: Choose fruits, veggies, or a small number of nuts as a snack rather than a bag of chips or a candy bar.

#4. Plan your meals in advance. By doing so, you’ll be more likely to pick low-calorie foods and prevent emotional snacking.

#5. Use low-calorie cooking methods: For a lower-calorie alternative to frying or sautéing your meal in oil, try grilling, baking, or steaming.

Low-calorie foods can be an effective weight-loss approach. You may create a calorie deficit and lose weight by increasing the amount of low-calorie foods in your diet.

To gain the nourishment you required while still consuming fewer calories, keep in mind focusing on complete, nutrient-dense foods and plan your meals in advance.



Nitesh More

Hey, I am 25 year old writer who is passionate about health and fitness, as well as personality development. Writer at Illumination