
Are You Getting Enough Magnesium?

This precious mineral is a lifesaver.

Robert W. Locke
Published in
4 min readMay 23, 2020


Photo by Vitalii Pavlyshynets on Unsplash

As soon as the warm weather arrives, I get nasty leg cramps in bed early in the morning. The reason is always the same. I need more magnesium by improving my diet and taking some magnesium supplements. Problem solved.

Discover why getting enough magnesium can change your life for the better. It certainly does that for me.

How much do we need?

The good news is that we need 310–420 grams of magnesium a day. Women can get by with 300 grams. The bad news is that only about 25% of Americans are actually getting the right amount via their diet or by using supplements.

Magnesium is a vital mineral. It is no exaggeration to say that every organ and cell in our bodies need it. It plays a crucial part in helping the kidneys, heart, and muscles to work efficiently. Just think that magnesium plays a leading role in about 300 of our bodies’ biochemical reactions.

When I take it, I certainly find that I am more energetic. Maybe I should take more magnesium supplements all year round although I do eat a very healthy diet.

The great thing about magnesium is that it can help us absorb other minerals and also vitamins, especially Vitamin D.



Robert W. Locke

Health & fitness, mental health, life lessons, humor & satire. Contact: colbor at yahoo dot com