Are You Getting the Most Out of Your Relationships
You get what you give
Recently, I have been upset with my partner. She spends a lot of time with friends, doing her hobbies, and scrolling social media. Then, when she is bored of those things, she turns to me and says we should spend more time together. What! Are you serious!!!
If this is happening to you, ask yourself if you are guilty of the same. Do you spend too much time working, doing your hobbies, or carving out personal time, instead of investing in your relationship? After all, it is a two-way street.
Relationships of convenience are not the ones that grow. And while it may seem nice that you have someone around instead of being alone, mentally and emotionally- you ARE alone. That sucks!
What can you do to turn this bleak situation into one of sunshine and rainbows?
Giving more of your undivided attention, acting in the best interest of your partner, and upping your commitment level are three ways to nurture your relationship. In relationships, as with other activities, you get out what you put in.
The next time you go to a restaurant look around at the couples. Are they scanning their phones or engaged in conversation? Whenever I see a disengaged couple, I wonder what could be so important that each of them…