Are You In A Dip?

Suellen Wheless Estes
Published in
3 min readMar 18, 2021


Mastering the middle is the hardest part…

Are you in a dip? And if so, what are you going to do about it?

“The Dip” became famous with Seth Godin’s book by that name.

(I just love all of those Ah-ha moments he has brought us, don’t you)?

The dip is after you have launched your project and spent some time enjoying the challenge of the dream. You continue with enthusiasm and excitement.

Then you hit a time when the newness wears off and the dream becomes dim. Suddenly the work seems hard. Monotonous. The dream seems dim and you feel that you are just slogging along.

So what do you do? You either slow down and quit — or you push through.

Think of it as running a marathon. You plan to run 26 miles and you are pumped to do it. You begin with zeal and determination. But after 13 hot and thirsty miles, your zeal starts to wane, and you question the decision. Is it worth it? Why did you make the commitment? And every step starts to seem like an impossible goal.

Our online businesses, our books, and really any worthwhile project has a similar pattern. There’s the middle we have to conquer. After the starting pistol and before the prize at the end, there is a middle. And that middle often includes a dip.

Well, back to Seth Godin’s book, the dip is what separates the true winners — champions — the overall best in any niche. Most people quit during the dip. or at least they become very…

