Are You One of the Lucky Ones Whose Oversoul Whispers In Their Ear?

How to respond when your Higher Self is calling

Carl Gerber (aka Kristopher Raphael)
8 min readJun 22, 2022


Sacred Energy Portal — Coba, Mexico, photo by author

Feeling urges from deep within

Have you ever felt the urge to make positive changes in your life? Do you ever find yourself drawn to new personal and spiritual growth practices?

It first happened to me in a big way when I was nineteen. I had just moved into my college dorm room. I was excited about meeting new friends and experiencing college life. During the first week, I strolled around campus, exchanging smiles with other students. Everyone seemed open. Students were striking up conversations and making friends.

But something happened about the third month of my new life. Urges began to bubble up inside of me. I felt compelled to learn more about the mysteries of life. I started hanging out at an off-campus occult bookstore skimming through various books on meditation, astral travel, yoga, and mysticism. Whenever I couldn’t put down a book, I bought it and made it mine. I stuffed it in my backpack and took it to my dorm room.

Before long, every spare minute I had between classes and studying, I was either reading a metaphysical book or practicing the techniques I found in the pages. I would meditate, stop my thoughts, and project myself out of my body. It was non-stop.

Mind Expansion

Sitting against the dorm room wall my roommate had a Yamaha motorcycle battery. Instead of battery acid, it was full of acid of a different kind, LSD. I had heard about the mind-expanding experience of taking LSD and decided to try it out. I took a drop from the battery and put it on my tongue. The following 12 hours fundamentally shifted my perception of how I saw the world. I saw life as a dream, a construct we use for personal growth and spiritual evolution. I saw life through the eyes of Source Energy.

From the viewpoint of Source Energy, what looks like problems and struggles are beautiful opportunities to grow and evolve. I also saw how everything in the world was moving energy, energy that could be reconstituted into different probabilities.

After the LSD experience, I could recall fragments of what I experienced during those 12 hours, but I could not grok them as profoundly as I had during the experience. I was back to seeing through my ‘normal’ eyes.

A few days later, while pondering the experience, I remembered hearing a message during my LSD experience. The voice said that mind-expanding drugs can show you what is possible when you evolve spiritually, but the expanded knowingness is not permanent. There is no substitute for doing the work to grow and evolve. This message made me even more motivated to find the answers to life.

Urges from your Higher Self cycle in and out

The first calling from my Higher Self came when I was nineteen. The calling lasted through most of my first year of college. It motivated me to begin my spiritual path. After the first year of college, I was still exploring personal growth and spirituality, but the calling from my Higher Self wasn’t as strong. After a couple of years, I occasionally meditated, but my motivation gradually faded.

A few years later, the inner urge came forward again. Upon feeling the urge, I again became obsessed with personal growth. This new calling was the catalyst for consuming everything I could on spirituality and practicing what I had learned. The calling lasted for a year or so. I continued with the spiritual practices, but the intensity slowly faded again.

I began to notice there was a cycle to this. I would receive a calling from my Higher Self that would result in strong desires to embark on a spiritual growth path. In response, I would take inspired actions. After a time, the calling would slowly fade away, only to reappear later.

Your Higher Self speaks to you through deep desires and urges

Your Higher Self will not start the journey for you. But, it will match every step you take towards it by taking two steps towards you.

Your Higher Self speaks to you through urges and desires. When you follow through on these urges, you inevitably step onto a growth path that leads you in the direction your Higher Self wishes you to take.

These desires can take many different forms. For example, say you studied to become an attorney. You graduate, pass the bar and enter a law firm. For the first two years, everything has been excellent. It is challenging work, long hours, and dealing with difficult people. But you are advancing in the firm, and the hard work seems worth it.

For no apparent reason, things start to change. You begin to lose interest in your job. Out of the blue, you find yourself interested in writing. You take some writing classes, join some writers’ groups and every morning find yourself at Starbucks writing on Medium before going to work.

You are now at a choice point. You can either choose to pursue being a writer and phase out your career as an attorney, or you can suppress the urge to become a writer and push yourself to work even harder at the law firm.

As the desire to become a writer seems to have come out of nowhere, many people will discount it, not knowing that it may be a calling from their Higher Self.

The more you take inspired action, the more your Higher Self works with you

When your Higher Self urges you in a particular direction, you can decide to follow it or not. Your Higher Self will not cross your line of will. You have the power to choose whether to act on the urges or not.

If you choose to act on these deep desires, you will find opportunities open up for you seemingly out of nowhere. As your inner-world of preferences and desires shifts, your outer world follows.

Following an opportunity leads to more opportunities

Have you ever noticed that when you take advantage of a new opportunity, more opportunities that you never knew existed come your way? When you choose to follow your Higher Self’s urges, your Higher Self sets up new windows of probabilities. These new probabilities can take the form of life opportunities.

When you move through a window of probability(opportunity), your Higher Self creates the next, higher probability for you. In this way, your Higher Self lays out the optimal path for you to follow. This path leads to optimal growth.

As the personality self, you may not know where taking advantage of an opportunity will ultimately lead. Still, the more you listen to and follow those deep desires inside of you, you will embark on exciting paths that lead to new vistas beyond your greatest expectations.

Following Higher Self urges leads to your life purpose

One purpose of your life is expansion. Just as the universe and creation are expanding, you too are to expand, grow and evolve. There are an infinite number of ways to expand. However, you are born with gifts unique to you that help you in your expansion. In the lawyer/writer example above, a person may have the gift of creative expression through writing. But, the gift may lie latent and undeveloped.

Following the deep desires given to you by your Higher Self often lead to discovering talents you didn’t know you had. They are there inside of you, just waiting to be developed.

As you follow through on Higher Self urges and develop your gifts, you may discover more about your life purpose. You were given the gifts and talents you have for a reason. Your gifts and skills help you realize your purpose in life. Their purpose can lead to your purpose.

How to know if a desire is an urge from your Higher Self (Soul Urge)

Your Higher Self communicates with you through deep desires. Thes desires are called Soul Urges.

Desires can take different forms.

Fleeting Desires: Some are temporary and fleeting. You see a new car you have never seen and tell yourself, ‘I would love to drive that car.’ The desire fades, and you move on. This is not a Soul Urge.

Conditioned Desires: In the above example of an attorney, their parents told them that they should become a lawyer. It was the parents’ dream. The child came to believe their parents’ dream and soon desired to become an attorney. This is not a Soul Urge.

Fragmented Self Desires: Due to the prevalence of dysfunction, most children have some form of emotional wounding. This wounding can cause sub-personalities that fragment off from the core personality. For example, a young girl is constantly criticized by her parents. She feels unloved. A part of her desperately wants to be loved. The part that feels unloved fragments off into a sub-personality that dominates her life. This fragment desires to become a celebrity, believing that she will be loved by doing so. This desire is not a Soul Urge.

Characteristics of a Soul Urge

Soul Urges can appear in different ways. Here are some of the forms Soul Urges can take.

A strong desire appears out of nowhere: Soul Urges can appear for seemingly no reason. When they appear for the first time, they may not be related to anything you have done previously. The lawyer suddenly has the desire to become a writer. They had always believed they wanted to be a lawyer, but one day they woke up with a strong desire to become a creative writer.

Once the desire comes forward, it keeps coming up: Soul Urges can be persistent. You suppress the desire thinking it doesn’t make sense in your current life, but it keeps knocking on your door, trying to get your attention.

Taking action on the desire leads to growth and fulfillment: Your Higher Self guides you to a growth path by giving you deep desires. When you follow an urging from your Higher Self, it opens up new opportunities for you for growth and expansion. You will find great fulfillment in following the path your Higher Self guides you to.

Are you listening?

Listen to the urges when they come up inside you. As you pay attention to these deep desires, they grow stronger and reveal more of themselves to you. They may not make sense in the moment, but when you choose to take inspired action on the desires, you will find new pathways of growth and fulfillment open to you. You will embark on a journey with purpose, hand-in-hand with your Higher Self.

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Carl Gerber (aka Kristopher Raphael)

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