Are You Praying for the Right Reasons?

Busting the myth around prayer

Anup Uniyal
4 min readJan 3, 2024


Nestled in the foothills of the mighty Himalayas, at the banks of the river Ganges, was a small town called Gangoli. The town was home to the renowned temple of Lord Shiva.

Every morning, a little girl would visit the temple and stand before the idol. With closed eyes and folded hands, she would mumble for a few minutes. Thereafter, she would greet the deity with glistening eyes and a beaming smile, before sprinting out of the premises.

This became her daily ritual.

The temple priest became curious about what she was doing. He believed she was too young to understand the in-depth meanings of religion, she would barely know any type of prayers.

He wondered, but then what did she do coming to the temple every morning?

One morning, he waited for her to complete her ritual. Approaching her, he then placed his palm on her head and said,

“My child, I have seen you come here every morning. What do you do?”

“I pray,” the girl replied instinctively.

“Do you know any prayers?” asked the priest in disbelief.

“No,” said the girl with a cheeky smile.

“Then what are you doing here daily?” the priest asked.

The girl replied,

“I know my A, B, C to X, Y, Z. I recite them in front of God as I don’t know any prayers. But I also know that a prayer cannot be outside of these alphabets. I am aware that God is listening, so I request Him to rearrange the alphabet as He wishes… and that is my prayer.”

Prayer is not begging in the hope of getting something for yourself. It is the submission to the divine will.

Prayer is not a transaction you offer against your investment of time or money to reap dividends. It is an expression of gratitude.

Prayer is not a SOS you send at times of despair. It is embracing the stillness amidst the chaos.

Prayer is not a plea for changing external events beyond your control. It is a medium to bring a transformation within yourself.

Prayer is not a ritual you perform out of compulsion or societal obligation. It is an experience based on inner feelings and sensitivity.

Prayer is not a way of worship. It is the way of living.

Prayer is not a means of communication. It is a union with the creator.

Prayer is not an act performed out of fear or anxiety. It is about forming a bond with someone who loves you unconditionally.

Prayer is not asking. It is a longing of the soul. It is daily admission of one’s weakness. It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words without a heart — Gandhi

If the end goal of praying is for the fulfillment of materialistic desires, it is self-deception.

If the prayer is performed out of our insecurities of life, it is an illusion.

If prayer intends to please a higher authority, it has no value.

Keep in mind that you are just a speck in the grand scheme of creation, and your flattery holds no significance in pleasing the divine. Even if you don’t pray, God is still with you as you are His creation.

Prayer is for our benefit and growth, not for God’s.

Prayer is a powerful tool for self-improvement. Expressing sincere gratitude for all that we have, helps us undergo a process of self-transformation.

The purpose of prayer is to fill our hearts with compassion and gratitude, and our minds with peace and contentment. It is for the fulfillment of the emptiness in our life.

Prayer is not just an act but a state of being. It requires sincerity and the ability to surrender our ego. It is about trusting the infinite and accepting that the finite mind cannot fully comprehend it.

Despite our best efforts, things may not always go according to plan. However, it’s important to remain flexible and embrace the unexpected possibilities that life may present.

Next time you take a moment to pray, try setting aside any preconceived notions of how things should be. Instead, approach your prayers with the innocent trust of a child, allowing God to arrange the letters of your life in the way that serves your best interests.

Remember, you are a manifestation of God’s idea, and His plan for you may be different from your ideas — often leading to the path of glory.



Anup Uniyal

Engineer by degree and consultant by profession. Wide interests: Spirituality, Self-Improvement, Yoga & Meditation, Nature, Humor, Storytelling, Technology