Are You Ready To Talk?

Carrie Tawil
Published in
4 min readJul 14, 2020


Listen up right now! If you have children or maybe you are thinking about having children, I highly recommend you keep reading. What I am about to tell you is going to BLOW your mind. I mean you may not even know how to feel after you are done with this post. No I am just pulling your leg, I do not have anything big to tell you that you may not already know. You see becoming a parent is a life long learning experience, there is NO PERFECT way to parent, there is just being a better parent then your children deserve.

What I highly recommend though is for you to become VERY READY TO TALK. Parenting is about 95% communicating and 5% locking your kids in the room while you hide in the bathroom eating ice cream and cookies with a bottle of Jack or wine or your best beverage. Now I am not saying every parent drinks because of their children but I would bet on 97% of the parenting population has thought about it once or twice. Okay but in all seriousness, communicating with your children from day one is the best thing you can do as a parent.

Have you ever walked into a meeting late and everyone turned around and looked at you and right after the meeting you knew you were being talked about due to your tardiness? That feeling of not knowing who you can trust to not judge you. Well that is how your infant child feels when they are born into a world. No really, they have all of these strangers staring at them and they are looking around trying to figure out who they feel comfortable with.



Carrie Tawil

Writer of life journeys, parenting, relationships, and growth.