Are You Selfish for Chasing Your Creative Calling?

The answer is, maybe?

Bella Martin
3 min readMar 4, 2022


Photo by Kyle Head on Unsplash

“I feel like becoming an actress might be a selfish dream. What’s the point of acting when there are so many problems in the world, even if it’s the one thing that makes me happy?”

My sister has wanted to act for as long as I can remember. In our childhood home videos, every time my mom pointed the camera towards me, my big sister would leap in front of the lens, making funny faces to draw the attention back to her.

It worked out just fine; I enjoyed being behind the scenes, and she adored the spotlight. Even now that we’re both in our twenties, that hasn’t changed.

The other night, I was FaceTiming my sister when she confessed, “I feel like I’m being selfish for wanting to become an actress.” I listened as she explained why and I understood what she was feeling. I’ve felt the same way ever since I decided to pursue writing.

Because I’ve spent so much time asking myself this question, I knew what to tell her. Here’s what I said.

Even if going after your acting dreams makes you selfish, and it might, what’s wrong with being selfish? If you can’t give to yourself first, you’ll have nothing to give to others.

You project into the world what you are inside. If you’re happy, you’ll exude happiness. If you’re miserable, you’ll spread misery.

What we need more of in this world are people who are satisfied with their lives and choices. This requires us to be selfish now to be selfless later.

Oprah confessed the only time she ever made mistakes in her life was when she was trying to please others, make people happy just for the sake of making them happy, and ignore what lights her up inside.

Going after what you want in life isn’t a mistake. Not going after it is.

Every one of us is given our dreams for a reason. Our desires were made for us and us for them.

In terms of survival, a million careers are more valuable than any form of artistic expression. We need doctors to heal our bodies, farmers to feed them, builders to house them, and tailors to clothe them. Maybe art is only how we decorate our lives, but who wants to live without decorations?

Once we are alive, what’s the point of living? To create, connect, think, feel, and make our time on Earth beautiful while it lasts.

What makes your life beautiful? If it’s acting, act. Dancing? Dance. Do whatever makes your heart sing as much as you possibly can because eventually your time will run out.

By following your inner instincts, you won’t make mistakes. You’ll make miracles. There’s no better way to change the world than by changing yourself. Fill up your cup so you can pour from it.

Or, fill up your cup simply because it deserves to be filled. Even if your dreams are self-serving, you are worthy of being served.



Bella Martin

Words of healing, hope & happiness. | Find me on instagram @bellamwrites