Are you still bored in the year, 2024 ?

20 basic things to do which will get you out of boredom.

6 min readMay 31, 2024


Image from by Matthew Henry

Hearing and talking with a lot of people have made me realise that there is a common pattern and behaviour in such humans, when they say they are ‘bored’, contrary, living in 21st century (despite having so many technological advancements, shelter, food, why are they still bored or not motivated, is a concerning matter, which we hardly talk about !! ) where we have everything in abundance and can get most of the needs fulfilled with just the touch of our phone screen.

The common behaviour/pattern which I have observed is:

‘Damn !’ people aren’t really ‘happy’ and ‘content’ because they do not have ‘Goals’, lacks ‘awareness’ with the things around them because they are or have become ‘LAZY’ and have a ‘victim blaming’ trait.

Let me cut the chase and mention everything which a HUMAN is capable of and can do even if they are aware of certain things in these 20 points.

In the end, if a lot of humans starts doing all these (which fortunately many are), then we shall have a beautiful and productive planet which will help the economy of their country -> in turn, helping the human civilisation and our Planet, Earth.


  1. Read and Listen-> Start reading books, or listening to audio books, it doesn’t has to be fictional, try getting into non-fictional genres as well, which will give you a broader perspective and perception of life, getting into different genres , like finance, history, science, arts, autobiographies etc whichever helps you or whatever you always wanted to become or learn. Tune in to any youTube podcasts, like apple podcasts series which triggers your interests, Goal is to get you going, reference podcasts:
  2. Create Travel guides/itinerary/Watch Travel videos: This is something which I used to love and adore doing, there must be some places where you would always wanted to travel, right!, If yes, then, start watching such travel series/videos and get to know about the culture of their country, then start drafting itineraries, for ‘yourself’, watch travel videos to enhance your knowledge, maybe binge watch, because in the end, its definitely refreshing(I bet)
  3. Music/Festivals -> Listen and learn about different genres of music, understand the BPM(beats per minutes), create playlists according to your tastes in platforms like Apple Music, Spotify etc. Get an idea what is electronic music all about, what House, Techno, Drum and Bass, Grime, UK Garage, really is, read their history. Music definitely heals, this is what i’m sure of, go to music festivals, travel.
  4. Learn about Nutrition: This the real ‘Wealth’, ‘Nutrition’, make small healthy changes in your diet, learn about the types of fats(saturated, poly etc) which ones to consume and avoid, learn to read the ingredients list when you purchase anything from the food store, this will immensely help you to have a productive day and healthy life.
  5. Learn about Sleep cycle and hormones: With the advent of the free knowledge, learn how cortisol(stress) hormones can cause havoc in body, if not managed, learn about the vital plays of hormones such as: serotonin, dopamine etc.
  6. Participate in any community: For me, music has been a crucial part, so I used to end up going to raves, festivals, just for the music and to listen to upcoming artists and support them. Find your haven and go for it, it can be a NGO, service community where you help people, rescue community, etc, the options are many but limited here.
  7. Focus on one work at a time: Stop juggling, jot down tasks, mentally or on a paper or phone, regarding what needs to be done, strike it out, once done.
  8. Hydrate and get a Quality Sleep/Hydrate: 7–9 hours of sleep is required for humans, prioritise this and see how things will change, for the better even your cognition will be up, people underestimate the sleep schedule and end up getting agitated and irritated the next day, drink plenty of water, 2.5–4 litres daily, depending on your body weight, learn this, be disciplined when it comes to consuming water.
  9. Socialise: Meet people, avoid endless conversations over text or phone call, try to minimise the digital contact, having 20–30mins call with your friend everyday, is definitely fine but gossiping something negative, for 2–3 hours, often, isn’t healthy. Learn not to over-socialise because then you won’t get a lot of time for yourself, to evolve and do the things which are mentioned here. BALANCE IS THE KEY.
  10. Learn to Breathe, exercise(workout): 10–15 mins walk after every week , 4 times in a week for strength training/cardio (45–65 mins). Take out time, wake up 2 hours early for this. Don’t slog yourself with work.
  11. Learn about supplementation: Enhance your knowledge regarding it because you might need it when you grow older(which you will), so the sooner you are aware, what you are injecting in your body and why, will definitely help you to lead a healthy life. Supplements are really helpful considering the diet and workout is on point.
  12. Cut down toxins, Plastic bottles: Start consuming water from glass water bottles, mud clay pots, or steel bottles. BPA is the culprit found in such bottles which is definitely unhealthy in the long run.
  13. Invest time in learning new skills: According to your domain, join some free or paid courses which will help you to enhance your skills, Platforms like Udemy, edx, harvard university courses are worth it.
  14. Learn about skincare: Irrespective of the gender, having a simple skincare routine is necessary, learn to take care of your skin as well, which will help you to build confidence and enhance your beauty, Yes! looks are important and it plays an important role in shaping ones personality, gain bit of knowledge about serums and essentials oils. Every individual can enhance their look if they follow a simple skincare routine, dress well and think positive. Mindset matters, in the end.
  15. Learn any combat sports: MMA, boxing, Muay Thai, get into it, what are you waiting for ?
  16. Life skills/cooking: Like swimming, how to give CPR, map navigations etc, all these comes handy at the time of survival, never take it lightly.
  17. Teach someone: Get into online platform, tutor someone, maybe a high-school kid or someone who needs some coaching, it can be anything, the options are endless here.
  18. Learn about Investments: There is lot one can do here, even if you are a newbie, start watching videos, learn about investment and always start investing in small dividends, learn about different types of investments.
  19. Monetise your skills: It can either be writing, teaching online, or selling some products, use the channels like Instagram, TikTok to grow, or maybe, learn drop-shipping.
  20. In the end, start jotting down, ideas, maybe in MEDIUM, not because, you want to earn but because you really have so many thoughts in mind which you would want to share and let others benefit from it.

The Goal is to:
Keep yourself occupied and strive to learn even though if you aren’t
feeling good, or happy, because it will cultivate DISCIPLINE in you which unfortunately a lot of humans lack.

I’m not saying you will be a billionaire, but, at-least, you will be a person who will sleep peacefully at night and will be the immense power-house of knowledge and wisdom which can then be imparted to other people and further generations.

Start Learning and see the changes.




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