Are You The Storyteller of Your Life?

Sanket Pai
Published in
5 min readMar 2, 2024


Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Many of us are caught in the relentless hustle of modern life, racing through days without savoring meaningful moments. From endless emails to urgent requests, it’s all too easy to lose sight of the true significance of our daily existence. At a general level, our daily agenda often boils down to this: Wake up, Survive through the day, Go back to sleep. This is especially true in January when we put a lot of pressure on ourselves with all the ‘shoulds’ and ‘have-tos’. We tend to lose out on the joy of deliberate living.

We measure success against societal milestones and judge ourselves continuously. Researchers have outlined a set of 25 life milestones and designated ages by which we are expected to achieve them to be deemed successful. These benchmarks, such as obtaining a driver’s license at 18, getting married by 27, owning your first house by 29, or, earning above the average salary by 30 inadvertently shape our perceptions of success. Succumbing to these pressures, many of us blindly follow a prescribed path. If you are not hitting these milestones, you are termed a failure, so who would dare to question them?

The consequence of this societal conformity is a life on autopilot, devoid of true purpose or direction. And before long, we end up someplace in our personal or professional lives where we never intended to be, and we have no idea how we got…



Sanket Pai

Reinvent Yourself — Leap Ahead & Human Potential Coach | NLP | EFT || Author | TEDx Speaker | Dad | Design Thinker. Posts may contain affiliate links to Amazon.