Are you Using Technology in your Favor?

Simple ways to check the role of technology in your life

Vidhya jyothi
3 min readJun 14, 2024


Photo by Adem AY on Unsplash

Technology has made our lives simple. There is no doubt about it.

It's easier to connect to people and get things done faster, everything is at your fingertip now. You can use it to entertain yourself, make your life easier, and earn a living too if used accurately.

But with all the scenarios mentioned earlier, there is a flip side to the coin.

Below are a few observations to understand the role of technology in your life:

  1. What type of Content are you consuming?

Every one of us has smartphones and access to the internet. Even if you have a minute of free time, you take out your phone and log into one of the many apps to entertain yourself. There is nothing wrong with it.

The problem arises when we ignore the tasks we are supposed to do and indulge ourselves in them. We are almost addicted to entertainment and tend to lose track of time.

The same device that has enabled people to make millions has tied the rest with dopamine shots. So are you consuming content to entertain and waste your time? Or are you educating yourself to become better along with entertaining?

2. Living as per other’s validation

A quick check to understand if you are living your life as per your terms or as per other's validation would be to take a look around you.

The phone you are using, the things you have brought, the clothing, and all the decisions that you make, are those of your choice and as per your affordability. Or was it chosen to impress others?

We want to have the latest gadgets and other expensive things even when we can't afford them only because we want to be that cool person in the group. Social validation has become a priority.

There is nothing wrong with trying to be the cool person in the group. But at what cost? Is making decisions as per societal standards of coolness really worth it?

3. Mob mentality

We follow certain people for what they believe or because we like the content they create. They slowly influence our choices in our daily lives. Nothing wrong with this. The only problem is when we follow them blindly.

Everything they say or what's on the internet is not true. So instead of just following what everyone thinks, it's better to understand what the full story is and then take any decision.

4. How do you perceive the world now?

What consumes your most time in a day? Spending time with the people around you or with the gadgets? Do you genuinely connect with your loved one or is it just about putting up status and tagging them?

We are so blinded by the world we see online that we forget to live. The gadgets are to be used to make our lives easy and not make us forget that we have a life.

We are blessed with the best of the technology around us but let's not use it to our disadvantage by being its slave.

“Technology is a useful servant, but a dangerous master.”- Christian Lous Lange



Vidhya jyothi

Curiously creating a world of value through words!