Are Your Daily Habits Leading You to Success?

Shoaib Ahmed
Published in
2 min readJul 2, 2024

Here’s How to Find Out

Created by myself on Canva

Success isn't built from grand acts.

It's built from doing small things consistently.

But when you're in the middle of doing, it's hard to know if you're moving in the right direction.

This week's prompt helps you zoom out from the day to day.

To predict where your daily actions will take you in 1 year.

If I repeated every action I took today, every day for a year, where would I end up?

Is that where I want to be?

Asking yourself this question can help you take a step back and see any blind spots you probably aren't noticing when you're in the day to day.

It's a great prompt to ask yourself every month or quarter, depending on your goal timeline.

It helps you self correct to make sure you're moving in the right direction.

You could apply this question to help you towards a weight loss goal.

Think about what you eat and how you exercise today.

Now ask yourself:

If I ate the same foods and did the same exercise every day for a year, what would my weight be?

This helps you see if your daily habits match your goals.

For example:

If you had a salad for lunch today, imagine eating that salad every day for a year.

If you walked for 20 minutes, think about doing that walk every single day.

Would these actions help you lose weight?

If not, what small changes could you make today that would add up over a year?

Remember, the right small daily choices build success over time.

Try it for yourself.

Take time this week and journal on this week's prompt.

Take a step back and check if your daily actions will move you closer to where you want to be in a year.

Use our free worksheet to help you think on this.

PS: The Kaizen Club is now on reddit!
You can join at r/TheKaizenClub

If you enjoyed this and want to start journalling with prompts too, then make sure you join the Kaizen Club community.

I share one journalling prompt I've found every Saturday.

You can check out the latest issue here



Shoaib Ahmed

I write about self development and interesting ideas i have come across