Are Your Deceptive Desires Slowly Killing You

Small choices now create big changes later

Published in
6 min readMar 4, 2022


wreckage of a plane crash with only the tail sticking up
Photo by Jon Vio on Unsplash

Our drive to LIKE something comes from a series of different beliefs and desires we possess at any given moment compelling us to act on those desires.

But there is a problem.

We tend to lump all desires, into a big melting pot of similarities without distinguishing whether or not they are even good for us.

Like explaining the difference between vegetables and candy to a toddler…

Each desire can be closely related to the next, blending the meanings into similar values, so we are drawn to pick the easy low-hanging fruit and leave the harder to reach ones to chance.

For instance…

  • We would LIKE to succeed in business.
  • We would LIKE to be in a perfect relationship.
  • We would LIKE to be the ultimate embodiment of our core selves and who we truly want to be.

With this concept stretching over all aspects of our desired projections, we subconsciously expect those likes to materialize, but with very little success. So why is it that we fail in this quest to fulfill our good desires?




Author: ~ Writer & Seeker of Truth, Personal Development, Thought-Provoker, Promoter of Freedom for all. Much Love