Are Your Ideas Begging for your Attention like a Needy Toddler?

Teach them to play independently instead.

D'Ana Joi


A needy toddler wearing a tee shirt with a light bulb on it that is trying to get the attention of an adult who is working at their desk, digital art
Image created by the Author using Dall-E AI

Have you ever been in the middle of a task, only to get an idea about something else, and immediately start questioning if what you’re working on is the “right” thing?

You finally start gaining momentum on what you’re working on but your other ideas are tapping on your shoulder for attention like a needy toddler.

That was me for years and it’s where many of my clients are when they first come to me for support.

Imagine if instead of distracting you every two minutes, your ideas were like my 4-year-old cousin, Issa.

She’s AMAZING at independent play.

She explores in the garden, draws at her art table, and generally keeps herself entertained without needing much attention from us grown folks.

When you cultivate clarity, “stack” your priorities (choose which projects to prioritize in a strategic order) and focus long enough to follow through, you’ll finally stop second-guessing the idea you’ve chosen to start with.

You’ll also welcome new ideas and send them off to play independently until you’re ready for them, while you focus on gaining momentum on the projects that matter to you the most.



D'Ana Joi

Life coach for multi-passionates and host of the Multi-Passionate Mastery Podcast. Listen Here: