Are Your Space Tech Inventions Protected?

Steve Sponseller
Published in
4 min readJan 4, 2023


Photo credit: Depositphotos (By Author)

Patents that protect important inventions are valuable to space technology companies that depend on those inventions to stand out in their industry. In many situations, a portfolio of patents is a tech company’s most valuable asset.

A well-designed patent portfolio can provide a competitive advantage, increase company valuation, attract investors, and attract and retain key employees.

You can build a valuable patent portfolio by strategically patenting high-value inventions that protect critical product features and provide significant value to the company. Too many companies randomly patent mediocre inventions. This approach can be a waste of time and money.

Instead, space tech companies need to identify and prioritize all of their inventions, then select the most valuable inventions for protection with their patent budget. Building a patent portfolio isn’t a “numbers game.” The goal is a portfolio of high-quality, high-value patents that are significant assets for the company.

To build a strong patent portfolio, here is a 3-step system that’s worked for hundreds of clients over the past 25 years.

1. Identify Every Invention in your Organization

Before you run off and start filing patent applications, there are two steps you need to complete…



Steve Sponseller

I help tech companies protect their proprietary technology to create a competitive advantage and increase valuation.