Aren’t We All Looking For Something?

Muhammad Zunair
Published in
3 min readApr 30, 2020


A shameless self-promotion, I guess.

A couple of months ago, I had this idea to make a video, addressing humans’ incessant pursuit of things. The plan was to showcase this particular human behavior by taking into account humans’ never-ending urges and their ceaseless pursuit.

Moreover, I wanted this video to have an ‘artistic’ outlook so, I thought of doing a voice-over. Thus, I spent some time writing the whole thing and it took me a couple of tries before I got the voice-over, which I had hoped for.

The problem was I didn’t have the camera to shot the video and I didn’t know how to edit it either. So, I asked a friend to help me with all this. Thankfully, he agreed and the ‘mission’ was accomplished.

Luckily, it came out great!

I posted it on my Instagram and Facebook and it got appreciation and love from my family and friends. Most of the viewers applauded the effort and gave positive feedback. This whole experienced certainly boosted my confident and gave me an excuse to make more video-content.

But why am I telling you all this?

When I uploaded the video, I hoped to get thousands of views, yet only a handful of people, mostly my friends, got the opportunity to see that video. Nonetheless, I didn’t feel sad about it because I wasn’t making video-content on regular basis, it was just a…



Muhammad Zunair

27-year old child -- trying to exist amid this chaos by penning down his thoughts on philosophy, psychology, history & an eclectic mix of topics.