Arnold Schwarzenegger's 6 Rules of Success

From Austria to Mr. Universe, Actor, and Governator

Chris Soschner


Arnold Schwarzenegger’s 6 Rules of Success From Austria to Mr. Universe, Actor, and Governator
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How can I become successful?

Have you ever had moments when your mind started pondering questions like this?

Wouldn't it be nice to have a rulebook for success? There are rulebooks for every technical item, but for life, none exist.

The internet is the blessing that brings everybody in touch with the most successful people on earth.


Creators on Google, Youtube, Tiktok, and Instagram repeatedly reshare the best speeches of the most successful people.

It's like a backstage pass inside the minds, companies, and habits of some of the most innovative and interesting people on the planet.

The Career of Arnold Schwarzenegger

He was born in my home country: Austria.

I grew up in the 80s, and there were always rumors about a Styrian guy who left for Munich to become Mr. Universe.

In the pre-internet era in the 80s, I had difficulty distinguishing whether that was an urban legend my parents told me to motivate me to work out or whether it…



Chris Soschner

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