Art Of Setting Short Goals

Do most of us fail to look at the smaller picture?

Nar Srini
4 min readAug 13, 2023


Ever questioned your path when waiting for that delayed gratification?

I believe in learning to stay focused for longer periods, keeping the end goal in mind. Yet, doing so in this digital age is kinda tough. When the task at hand is huge, the distant nature of the objective might lead to dampening your motivation.

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

When you want to finish something by a certain timeline, which is far from now, you can’t afford to compare yourself to the final result regularly. If you’ve completed any significant project, you will know why always looking at the big picture might lead you to a panic spiral.

It is certain, what you do now / today is what is going to affect your results in the long run. Why not delay your focus on where you want to be in some months or years?

For that matter, if you love what you’re doing in the present, you can forget where you want to be — only doing a periodic review.

Short-term goals provide an instant rush of accomplishment. Achieving these milestones in a brief timeframe nurtures a positive sense of progress, develops feelings of competence, and elevates self-esteem.

The shorter the goals, the more focused our mind can be. Seen kids (or even adults) playing video games, not looking away, trying to complete as many levels as possible? Most addictive games keep the players glued by delivering instant gratifications while they are on their path to ultimately achieving larger targets.

With a specific target on the horizon, distractions naturally fade away. This heightened concentration strengthens your ability to channel energy toward tasks of significance.

To give you another perspective, let’s consider a startup wanting to reach X million in revenue by the next few years. They lay out the strategy to do so and start heading the work in that direction. What happens when there is a change in industry conditions? Can the company adapt quickly during any unforeseen circumstance?

Instead, had the goal been to reach X no. of customers over the next few weeks and see how it can add value, and consistently revisit the targets, they would be flexible to any change. Eventually, revenue would become a byproduct. (Yet, the situation is different when the Investors are pushing the company to show results, which is often the case.)

In the ever-shifting market landscape, flexibility is crucial. The agility cultivated by these short goals equips you to swiftly respond to changes, fostering resilience.

Photo by Lisa Baker on Unsplash

Setting short-term goals is like creating stepping stones that guide you toward your aspirations with precision. The objectives, when crafted thoughtfully, have the power to boost your way to success. From my personal experience, it is essential to have a plan when you encounter a significant goal. It provides you with that unfair advantage everyone will complain about later.

Break it Down

Split your goal into smaller milestones. Each step should be achievable and contribute to the larger goal. Once defined, there is no looking back (Unless the conditions change drastically).

Remember, you should be able to forget your expected end result and be immersed in your short-term one.

Keep it very specific

Be specific about what you want to achieve. Realize that you can’t do everything in the short timeframe you come up with. A well-defined goal is your compass.

An unrealistic goal can lead to frustration. Balance ambition with practicality. For example, instead of “Getting Fit”, keep it as “Complete X push/pull-ups”.

Set clear timeframe

Goals with ambiguous timelines or dependencies will not lead to successful completion. Set a deadline for your goal. A timeframe creates a sense of urgency and prevents procrastination.

Complete X push/pull-ups daily.

For some people, it’ll be better to announce the timeline to their close ones. When you talk about it, you implicitly align your brain to the timeline.

Track Progress?

Quantify your goal and keep it measurable. Monitor your progress only to celebrate victories or to contemplate external feedback. You should not be obsessed with your progress, instead, focus on the current goal at hand.

Consistency is key. Dedicate time and effort to your goals, even when motivation wanes. Setting short-term goals is an art that, when mastered, can significantly enhance your journey toward success.

There are plenty of factors determining your success. Take control of the immediate process. The big picture will take care of itself. Life Is Short, and so should be your goals!



Nar Srini

Experienced Software Professional | OpenSource Enthusiast | Writing on Tech, Productivity🌟