Artificial Intelligence Writers vs. Human Writers: The Experiment Begins

I’m going to run a detailed writing experiment and share it with all of you here on Medium.

October J.


Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

A few years ago, artificial intelligence crept its way into my previous technology career. The premise was that it would make jobs in that industry easier by automating commonly used processes. It made sense.

At first, some people in that industry were concerned. Would robots be taking over their jobs?

Not necessarily. But as the technology becomes smarter, it will.

But…humans will also have time to adapt and adjust, and their focus will shift to more important tasks that are better served by human processing. So they will just move into different roles.

It will take decades for robots to take over a good portion of the functions that a human can do in my previous career. In some ways, I see areas where robots will never take over.

And yet, as we writers sleep, the conglomerates behind artificial intelligence technology slowly take over every industry in the world. Robots have made their way into writing already. Are you ready?

Why I’m running this experiment



October J.

🌷 Fiction author 💍 Wife 🎓 MBA 💾 Gen X 🌈 LBGTQIA+ friendly 🐶 Vegan ✍🏻 Published