Artists and Writers Learn More When They Help Others to Learn

Create a Group to Bounce Ideas Around

Marsha Hamby Savage


Teaching a student about pastel painting by author Marsha Hamby Savage
My teaching a student about the colors in pastel sticks by author Marsha Hamby Savage

I am somewhat of an instigator of things and always thinking of ideas to talk to other artists about.

I have been told I ask the hard questions and also start some deep thinking discussions.

Here is an idea that you might try in your area

Find a way for a group of artists to come together to share ideas. If you are a writer, do the same thing.

What is it you want to learn? Do you have a goal and a timeline? Why do you want to involve others in the journey you are taking?

There are many groups that get together as book clubs. There are garden clubs for the same purpose. The members are learning from each other because each of them comes at it from their own perspective.

Remember to work at it consistently and always with the idea of positive thoughts. Momentum comes when the ideas flow, and ideas are exchanged, igniting more ideas!

Have a person to facilitate each meeting

Your meetings may have an agenda each time. It may be that some meetings are structured and some might be very relaxed.



Marsha Hamby Savage

I am an Artist! Being an artist feels like I have a connection to nature. I am also writing a book about being an artist! My website: