Flash Fiction|Dystopian|Graffiti

As The Children Weep

Sam Pitzer


Photo by Mike Von on Unsplash

“War is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength.”

— George Orwell

I entered this story in an animation contest but I lost. It’s cool though because now you get to read it.

Even in the endless gauntlet of strobing lights from rooftop bars, blinding glows from building length advertisements, and the inescapable face that shined on every street corner reminding the people that they were always one step from annihilation the streets cast down below their beaming overlords were dark, dank, and dreary. The hooded duo walked briskly through the crowds of creatures that had lost the title of people long ago. There was hardly any among them that didn’t just drift from one function to another. So, it was constant in each of these alleys that the population grinded at each of their professions in exchange for nothing but fear. At least they could say they were alive.

The hooded duo consisted of a young man, that the powers to be had done no favors, and a security robot, that was rewired and now more human than the crowds they waded through. The duo headed toward a new building. The building had yet to be crowded with enormous screens to light the landscape and a large blank wall stood towering over the alleyways of the defeated population.



Sam Pitzer

I write about life, the world, my thoughts on stuff, and existentialism. I also have novels, clothes, and art for sale at: https://www.dummystore.online/