Ask Yourself 1 Question to Ensure You Don’t Hire the Wrong Person

Good People = Great Success

Calum James


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

The people you hire are arguably the biggest factor that ensures the success or failure of your business. This could not be more true for start-ups and smaller companies where everyone has to do more, be a bit of an expert in different areas and cover more bases.

Not only is it a big investment in terms of salary and all the benefits involved, bringing the wrong person into a company can have disastrous effects.

A person who brings a bad attitude to the group can destroy team morale, upset clients, and even have a fatal impact on the long-term reputation of the business.

It is often hard to tell from a 1-hour meeting what a person is truly like and how they would perform. We spend too much focus on bits of paper that list experience and achievements.

But this all counts for nothing if the person is a dick.

The one question you need to ask yourself before hiring anyone is:

Would you long or short the person’s character if they were a stock?

This basically means, would you invest in their value going up (long) or down (short) over time.



Calum James

Humor Writer or Deep Life Lesson Writer. Nothing in between. No compromise. But also, willing to compromise for the right price.