Asking This Question Helped Me Reduce My Social Media Usage By 50%

How I reduced my daily screen time and boosted my productivity

Biliz Maharjan


Social media is a disease.

It can get addictive.

But sadly, we’ve all been a part of this unhealthy disease and can’t seem to get out of it. I admire those who can stay out of it 100%.

I tried quitting social media back in 2019 and succeeded for a year. However, some things kept pulling me back. For example, I had to be a part of my college Facebook group because students shared notes and essential news there. So, I had to reactivate my account and join the group.

It has gotten worse now. From marketing gimmicks to reels to crucial news, everything is on social media.

I’m guilty of using it daily, and the worst part is that I am unaware of my actions there. Sometimes, I scroll through useless reels for 45 minutes.

I know, it’s really messed up.

Becoming self-aware of social media usage

After seeing an average of 3 to 4 hours of screen time on my phone daily, I was concerned about my social media usage. Some days, it even crossed 5 hours.



Biliz Maharjan

I write about self-improvement, creativity, and writing. Free writing guide—