Assuming I Ran the World

Muhammad Asad
Published in
3 min readDec 12, 2023


Photo by Eirik Skarstein on Unsplash

In the event that I ran the world, an outpouring of changes would clear across the globe, changing social orders and cultivating a time of solidarity, development, and sympathy. In this idealistic vision, the standards of correspondence, manageability, and cooperation would rule.

One of the primary drives would be a far reaching obligation to training. Admittance to quality instruction would be a basic ideal for each person, no matter what their experience or area. Best in class schools, outfitted with the most recent innovation, would engage people in the future to open their maximum capacity. A worldwide educational program would stress scholarly greatness as well as decisive reasoning, sympathy, and social getting it.

Ecological stewardship would be at the very front of my plan. Maintainable practices would be incorporated into each part of life, from energy creation to squander the executives. The world would join to battle environmental change, putting resources into sustainable power sources, reforestation projects, and inventive advancements to invert the harm caused for our planet.

In this agreeable world, medical services would be generally available. State of the art clinical examination and innovation would guarantee that nobody is abandoned in the journey for a sound life. Preventive measures and all encompassing prosperity would be focused on, advancing a general public where people flourish truly, intellectually, and inwardly.

A promise to civil rights would be the foundation of my worldwide administration. Separation and imbalance would be destroyed, making an existence where all people are treated with poise and regard. Social variety would be praised, encouraging a climate where individuals from different foundations team up to address normal difficulties.

Monetary frameworks would be rethought to focus on reasonableness and inclusivity. Abundance would be disseminated impartially, and imaginative monetary models would arise to guarantee that thriving is shared by all. An emphasis on supportable improvement would prompt the formation of enterprises that drive monetary development as well as protect the climate.

Global relations would be described by strategy, participation, and compromise. Countries would join to resolve worldwide issues like neediness, sickness, and international strains. The accentuation on discourse and understanding would make ready for an additional quiet and interconnected world.

In this optimistic situation, innovation would serve mankind's advancement. Moral contemplations would direct the advancement of computerized reasoning and other arising innovations. The computerized gap would be crossed over, guaranteeing that the advantages of mechanical progressions arrive at each edge of the globe.

While this vision of an idealistic world might appear to be fantastical, it fills in as a sign of the potential for positive change. In the event that every one of us does whatever it takes, regardless of how little, towards making a superior world, the aggregate effect can be extraordinary. Whether through individual activities or cooperative endeavors, the fantasy of a world described by correspondence, manageability, and sympathy is one worth chasing after.

